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March on Stress News

Professor Greenberg to speak at Hostage UK seminar

Added on the 11th November 2014

March on Stress Director, Professor Neil Greenberg, will be speaking at a Hostage UK Seminar tomorrow, Wednesday 12 November 2014.

The seminar, ‘Effective responses to kidnapping’ will include a session on the ‘psychological impact of kidnapping on returning hostages', led by Professor Greenberg.

Neil Greenberg is an academic psychiatrist based at King's College London UK and is a consultant occupational and forensic psychiatrist.

He is a leading expert in the psychological aspects of kidnap and has dealt with many cases of hostage repatriation. Indeed, his expertise in this area has led to his close work with Hostage UK for whom he works as an advisor.

Professor Greenberg said: “There are lots of things that organisations who work in high threat environments and locations can do to ensure their personnel are psychologically prepared. It is also vitally important to ensure they are appropriately supported afterwards if a serious or traumatic incident does occur.”

March on Stress provides a range of services for both psychological preparedness and crisis support after an incident, including kidnap and hostage services, developed and overseen by Professor Greenberg.

To find out more about the services March on Stress provides regarding hostage situations, please click here.

For more on Hostage UK, please click here to visit their website.

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Keywords : TRiM UK Courses, TRiM Training, Breaking Bad News, Straw (Sustaining Resilience at Work)

Description : March on Stress specialise in understand the effects of Trauma, Stress and PTSD on people