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The first TRiM by March on Stress Practitioner course took place in Denmark last week, led by Danish TRiM Associate Stine Arenshøj.
The course took place in the town of Middelfart and was attended by seven members of the Middelfart Fire Service.
March on Stress Operations Director, Gavin Rogers, said: “TRiM is still a relatively new approach in Denmark, but we have seen an increasing demand from many European countries for TRiM, as well as from further afield in locations such as Uganda and the United States, as awareness about the evidence to support TRiM’s effectiveness increases.
“TRiM is a peer support model which bases itself on keeping employees functioning after traumatic events by providing support and education to those who require it.
“It originated in the UK military and works particularly effectively when trauma management policy is in place and organisational leaders understand and support the approach. It is recognised as being ‘NICE’ (National Institute of Clinical Excellence) compliant in the UK.
“TRiM benefits many organisations that typically operate in difficult and potentially traumatic environments and as well as the fire service in Denmark, we work with a number of UK-based emergency services, including fire, police and ambulance services.”
March on Stress is the leading provider of TRiM training, with academic and operational expertise that is second to none. It is also the only provider to offer BTEC qualifications in Trauma Risk Management.
Feedback from the Danish course delegates was excellent, with comments including:
"It was a great and very educational course. I got a lot out of it, both personally and professionally.” Frank Engbjerg, Firefighter
“Those trained will be able to help and deal when we are exposed to traumatic incidents. Stine is an unparalleled teacher and facilitator. We feel well prepared for future tasks, and TRiM has given us a unique tool to handle and help when the need arises for this now and in the future." Claus Lund, Fire Chief, Middelfart
For more information on implementing TRiM, whether you are based here in the UK or abroad, please contact us at
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Keywords : Sustaining Resilience at Work (StRaW), Advanced Mentoring Skills, TRiM Recruitment Checks, Preventing PTSD
Description : March on Stress provide courses for TRiM and PTSD prevention