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March on Stress News

Using EMDR with veteran clients and military personnel

Added on the 9th June 2015

Two new dates have been announced for EMDR workshops aimed at clinicians treating veteran and military personnel.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) is a clinical treatment for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and other mental health problems.

Following on from a successful workshop in London last year, the new dates and venues for 2015 are:

Wed 16 September 2015 – Sheffield

Tuesday 3 November 2015 – Newcastle

The workshops are led by March on Stress Associate Matthew Wesson, a veteran of 21 years military service. Matthew is one of the few qualified EMDR Europe Accredited Trainers in the UK. He is also a qualified CBT therapist.

The EMDR workshop involves a lively mixture of teaching, interactive exercises and video material. It will cover relevant research, clinical obstacles and therapy techniques to help engage this sometimes challenging population into trauma focussed treatment, in particular EMDR.

Awarded six CPD credits from the UK EMDR association, the day also counts towards BABCP and other accrediting body’s CPD hours.

Previous feedback on this workshop includes 'Excellent’, 'lots of new ideas', ‘great presenter’, ‘clear and credible’, ‘very good indeed’.

The workshop costs £120 and includes tea/coffee and handouts. Places are limited so early booking is recommended.

For more information and to make a booking, please click here or contact Matthew directly via or 01829 732721.

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Keywords : PTSD Recruitment Checks, TRiM UK, Hostage Situations, TRiM training

Description : March on Stress provide courses for TRiM and PTSD prevention