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March on Stress News

Trauma expert delivers lecture in Japan

Added on the 2nd February 2017

Professor Neil Greenberg, March on Stress Director and trauma expert, gave a keynote lecture at the British Embassy in Tokyo on Monday, 31 January 2017.

The lecture focused on the organisational and community management of traumatic stress, with senior Japanese academics and UK Embassy staff in attendance.

The event covered topics of mutual interest to the UK and Japan and ended with a plan for further co-operation.

Professor Greenberg said “It was an honour to be invited to this high profile meeting at the British Embassy in Tokyo. Meeting Japanese academic colleagues made it clear to me that the lessons we have learned in the UK, about how best to deal with the impact of traumatic events, are just as applicable in Japan.

“All attendees gained a lot from the day and I look forward to taking forward many of the ideas we discussed. It was clear to me that there is an appetite for more peer support processes in Japan and I was heartened to hear that many of the delegates had heard of TRiM.”

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Keywords : TRiM Education, Sustaining Resilience in the Workplace, Diagnosing and helping those with PTSD, Psychological Wellness

Description : March on Stress provide clinical support with TRiM courses and BTEC