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March on Stress News

Mental health interventions for people involved in disasters: what not to do

Added on the 5th October 2017

An article by Professor Neil Greenberg and Professor Sir Simon Wessely features in the latest World Psychiatry Journal – the official journal of the World Psychiatric Association.

In the piece ‘Mental health interventions for people involved in disasters: what not to do’, the expert pair discuss some of the interventions for people involved in natural and manmade disasters. It includes some of the common early interventions which evidence has since shown to not be effective, such as critical incident stress debriefing.

Summing up what to do, the article reflects that “The best immediate mental health measures turn out to be practical, whilst our more skilled psychological interventions only really come into their own later on”. Read the full article here.

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Keywords : Straw (Sustaining Resilience at Work), Organisational Resilience, PTSD Recruitment Checks, TRiM BTEC Course

Description : March on Stress specialise in understand the effects of Trauma, Stress and PTSD on people