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March on Stress News

Study identifies mental health training for managers can make a big difference to work-related sickness absence

Added on the 24th October 2017

A new study in Australia has found that mental health training for managers can make a big difference.

The study aimed to investigate the effect of mental health training on managers’ knowledge, attitudes, confidence and behaviour towards employees with mental health problems and its effect on employee sickness absence.

It found that a four-hour manager mental health training programme could lead to a ‘significant reduction in work-related sickness absence’.

March on Stress Director, Professor Neil Greenberg, said: “The results are significant in evidencing the effect that mental health training can have on sickness absence. We know that good leadership can have a positive effect on the mental health of staff, and this goes further in exploring the importance, and effects, of specific mental health training for managers.”

Access the full study here.

For more on March on Stress managerial awareness training courses, or other mental health at work training options, please contact us.

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Keywords : TRiM Recruitment Checks, eHealth Monitoring, TRiM UK Courses, Diagnosing and helping those with PTSD

Description : March on Stress can help your business be better, and more resilient to the issues of Stress and Trauma