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It has been another positive and busy year for us at March on Stress, as we continue to work with organisations that share our belief that anyone in psychological distress, whether as a result of exposure to potential trauma or the consequence of other perhaps more mundane but no less impactful occupational stressors, deserves to be able to benefit from evidence-based support and care in their workplace. We are privileged to be able to work with our clients, and for their constant support and warmth.
As is our tradition, we are not sending Christmas cards again this year but will, instead, make a donation to charity. This year we are supporting Cancer Research UK.
We wish you and your families a fun and safe Christmas and a very happy New Year.
With best wishes from all at March on Stress
Join us on an all comers course in the New Year, here are our upcoming dates…
StRaW® (Sustaining Resilience at Work)
21-22 February 2018 – Two-day StRaW Practitioner course (London)
StRaW is our (non-trauma) mental health at work training. It is a peer support programme designed to boost organisational resilience and to provide a comprehensive approach to intervene early in respect of common mental health problems as well as providing attendees with techniques and a process to support colleagues.
TRiM (Trauma Risk Management)
23-24 January 2018 – Two-day TRiM Practitioner course (London)
25-26 January 2018 – Two-day TRiM Manager course (London) last few places remaining!
17-18 April 2018 – Two-day TRiM Practitioner course (Exeter)
19-20 April 2018 – Two-day TRiM Manager course (Exeter)
Please click here for details and bookings.
A review commissioned by Prime Minister Theresa May into mental health at work was published in October – with its findings and recommendations welcomed by March on Stress.
The report contains updated figures on the costs of poor mental health – the cost to the UK economy is staggering at between £74 billion and £99 billion per year. Read more here.
There has been some high-quality research released in the past few months – with further good evidence for the importance of mental health training and the effectiveness of TRiM…
A new paper on Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) in deployed military personnel was published – with results showing a clear impact of TRiM on help-seeking for mental health difficulties.
Results showed that TRiM recipients were significantly more likely to seek help, including from mental health services, than a similar trauma-exposed group that did not receive TRiM. TRiM also appeared to lead to a reduction in traumatic stress symptoms, although not common mental health disorder symptoms, in the study sample.
To access the full paper, please click here.
A study in Australia identified that mental health training for managers can make a big difference to work-related sickness absence
The study aimed to investigate the effect of mental health training on managers’ knowledge, attitudes, confidence and behaviour towards employees with mental health problems and its effect on employee sickness absence. It found that a four-hour manager mental health training programme could lead to a ‘significant reduction in work-related sickness absence’.
Access the full study here and don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss your leadership awareness needs – March on Stress have run a number of bespoke leadership workshops for different organisations.
A systematic review examining the research into Type II trauma (TTT) in those who work with traumatised children came out in September.
The review took place to identify risk factors for, and protective factors against, TTT-associated mental ill-health in employees working with traumatised children - and explore how this type of work impacts upon social functioning. Read more here .
March on Stress has been discussing this issue with many of our clients and have a clear understanding about how we can incorporate TTT into our delivery.
If you attended TRiM training more than a year ago, you may well be due to undertake some refresher training. Please contact us if you want to check whether you are still ‘in date’ and read more here about how you can refresh.
After some truly tragic events in Manchester and London this year, which saw some heroic work from the emergency services, Professor Neil Greenberg offered his expert advice about coping in the aftermath of a terrorist incident.
Read his advice here where we also have links to useful information from the Royal College of Psychiatrists.
Professor Neil Greenberg and Professor Sir Simon Wessley, wrote an article for the World Psychiatry Journal in October 2017.
In the piece ‘Mental health interventions for people involved in disasters: what not to do’, the expert pair discuss some of the interventions for people involved in natural and manmade disasters. Read the full article here.
We have a new TRiM incident logbook available to March on Stress trained TRiM Managers and Co-ordinators.
The electronic log allows the recording of all activity in relation to a TRiM response. It comes after the introduction last year of our TRiM CPD logbook, which should be used by Practitioners and managers to document their TRiM interventions and training, helping them to ensure they stay ‘in date’ and adhere to the TRiM Code of Conduct and Standards.
Read more here.We are delighted to have welcomed new members to the March on Stress team this year.
Julie Palmer joined us in March, supporting our Operations Team with training, planning and logistics. She also carries out finance and BTEC administration and is usually the voice on the end of the March on Stress office phone!
With our expanding clinical services, we also welcomed a new Clinical Services Manager, with registered mental health nurse Darren Humphrey joining the team in June. Working predominantly for the clinical side of the business, Darren helps to provide evidence-based clinical support and treatment for clients, including through our Vetlife Health Support Service, which provides mental health support to the veterinary profession.
Most recently, we have welcomed registered mental health nurse Nicky Gibson to our clinical team. Nicky is a welcome addition to the team and will work on March on Stress clinical cases as well as working with Darren on the Vetlife Health Support Service.
If your organisation would like to learn more about our Clinical Services then please get in touch.
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Keywords : Sustaining Resilience in the Workplace, Advanced Mentoring Skills, TRiM UK Courses, TRiM Advisory Service
Description : March on Stress specialise in understand the effects of Trauma, Stress and PTSD on people