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March on Stress News

TRiM masterclasses – bookings open!

Added on the 11th November 2024

Bookings are open now for our upcoming series of TRiM masterclasses!

If you are looking to elevate your TRiM provision and gain valuable CPD, join us at the following events:

2nd December 2024: TRiM – How to maintain momentum

For all TRiM Coordinators or organisations who would like to boost the impact and/or reach of TRiM and explore how thorough implementation can invigorate your TRiM service.

With Simona Hanson, March on Stress TRiM Trainer, TRiM Manager and Operations Support.

9th January 2025: Type II Trauma – using TRiM outside the BDA model

Explores how to broaden the reach of your TRiM provision, particularly when it comes to those who might be suffering due to vicarious trauma.

With Gavin Rogers, Operations Director, March on Stress.

18th February 2025: TRiM and neurodivergence - how to ensure TRiM interventions are accessible

Explore and discuss how to ensure your TRiM interventions and support are inclusive.

With Zoé Brooke RN(Adult) PhD, Operations Manager, March on Stress.

13th March 2025: What is TRiM worth?

For those responsible for understanding and explaining the impact of TRiM, its evaluation and Return on Investment (ROI) for organisations.

With Professor Neil Greenberg, Managing Director, March on Stress BM, BSc, MMedSc, FHEA, MFMLM, DOccMed, MInstLM, MEWI, MFFLM, MD, FRCPsych.

Each event will take place from 12.30pm-1.30pm, remotely via Zoom. The sessions are designed to be short and easy to access as we know many TRiM personnel have busy day jobs.

They will be packed with useful and up to date information, presented by one of our TRiM experts.

Each session is just £20 plus VAT, per person.

Bookings are live now on Eventbrite. Please click here to access our Eventbrite listings and book.

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Keywords : TRiM UK, PTSD Recruitment Checks, TRiM training, TRiM Workplace Monitoring

Description : March on Stress have an eHealth Monitoring System that helps recognise the warning signs of PTSD, Stress and Trauma