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March on Stress News

TRiM masterclasses underway!

Added on the 6th December 2024

Thank you so much to everyone who joined us for our first TRiM masterclass at the start of December.

The session, led by our fantastic TRiM expert Simona Hanson, and facilitated by associate trainer Samantha Langford, was brilliantly varied and informative with attendee comments and questions really contributing to a fast moving session.

Some of the key takeaways from the session included:

Dedicated TRiM co-ordinator role: A focused coordinator ensures collaboration across departments and maximizes the effectiveness of TRiM services and engagement.

Understand your organisation: Prepare before implementing your TRiM approach - ensure you understand your organisation, such as frequency of exposure to traumatic events, and workforce geography.

Senior manager sponsorship: Champions at senior levels are crucial for embedding TRiM into the organisational culture.

Consistent communication and awareness: Promote TRiM consistently through team meetings, awareness days; don’t stop after launch – keep it on the agenda.

Bookings are open for the remaining TRiM masterclasses in this inaugural series:

9th January 2025: Type II Trauma – using TRiM outside the BDA model

Explores how to broaden the reach of your TRiM provision, particularly when it comes to those who might be suffering due to vicarious trauma.

With Gavin Rogers, Operations Director, March on Stress.

Please click here to book.

18th February 2025: TRiM and neurodivergence – how to ensure TRiM interventions are accessible

Explore and discuss how to ensure your TRiM interventions and support are inclusive.

With Zoe Brooke PhD RN (Adult), Operations Manager, March on Stress.

Please click here to book.

13th March 2025: What is TRiM worth?

For those responsible for understanding and explaining the impact of TRiM, its evaluation and Return on Investment for organisations.

With Professor Neil Greenberg, Managing Director, March on Stress BM, BSc, MMedSc, FHEA, MFMLM, DOccMed, MInstLM, MEWI, MFFLM, MD, FRCPysch.

Please click here to book.

The masterclasses will take place from 12.30pm-1.30pm, remotely via Zoom.

Each session is just £20 plus VAT, per person and can be booked via the links above.

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Keywords : TRiM Recruitment Checks, TRiM UK Courses, PTSD Workplace Monitoring, PTSD Recruitment Checks

Description : March on Stress provide clinical support with TRiM courses and BTEC