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Operational and Occupational Stress Advisory Service (OSAS)


The March on Stress Operational and Occupational Stress Advisory Service (OSAS) provides access to a wholly confidential support service for personnel in relation to operational and occupational stressors whenever they feel they need it. This service aims to support personnel to remain in work where possible. OSAS is not a ‘blue light’ service; March on Stress will aim to provide a response to someone as soon as reasonably practicable (usually within two working days or sooner). OSAS offers brief advice and support backed by experienced clinicians used to working with staff carrying out challenging duties.

An advantage of OSAS is that staff (contractors and full time) should feel less concerned about contacting a wholly independent organisation (such as March on Stress) than they might about speaking to someone within the organisation they work for or with. As such the OSAS service aims to overcome some of the stigma associated with help seeking.

Whilst OSAS is a brief advisory and support service; it does not aim to replicate what employee assistance programmes might provide and nor does it aim to provide ongoing support or care. However, part of the advice given may well be to help those who use OSAS to understand where they might get ongoing support if that is needed.

Access to OSAS will be electronic in the first instance (a regularly monitored email address) but may involve telephone, email or remote contact as appropriate. Should the brief advice or support provided by OSAS be insufficient, March on Stress can offer a formal mental health consultation and provide recommendations for treatment where necessary*.

Where possible March on Stress will aim to signpost personnel who need treatment to existing services (e.g. NHS in the UK or similar services elsewhere across the globe) which are free at the point of contact or to recommend appropriately trained treatment providers who will be able to deliver evidence based care to those who need it.

We also offer Operational and Occupational Stress Policy writing and advisory services. Please contact us for further details on how we can best support your organisation to manage and deal with Operational or Occupational Stress.

*Any formal assessment/treatment consultations will be charged separately to the OSAS service.



  • • Support through OSAS is provided through email and phone contact initially – making it a great tool for supporting your employees wherever they are in the world
  • • OSAS forms part of our Wellness Service (Psychological Health Monitoring) but can also be provided as a standalone service
  • • The information provided by employees is strictly medical in confidence


  • • Support provided by psychological health clinicians with vast clinical experience
  • • Providing access to the OSAS service for employees shows a moral and legal duty of care by the organisation

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Keywords : Organisational Resilience, Psychological Support, Sustaining Resilience at Work (StRaW), TRiM training

Description : March On Stress, a UK company providing psychological support, TRiM courses and TRiM BTEC