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March on Stress News

Fellowship honour for Professor Neil Greenberg

Added on the 20th November 2023

Hot on the heels of his recognition as a top researcher earlier this month, March on Stress Managing Director Professor Neil Greenberg has been awarded a prestigious honorary Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (RCPI).

Neil was deservedly given the esteemed honour at a ceremony in Dublin on Friday, 17 November 2023, in recognition of his influence and achievements within occupational mental health and his continued support of this important discipline.

On the same day, he gave the highly respected 36th Smiley Lecture for the Faculty of Occupational Medicine in Ireland. The Faculty of Occupational Medicine holds this popular lecture every year in honour of Dr James Smiley, a founding member and past Dean of the Faculty. Neil spoke about ‘The Management of Traumatic Stress in the Workplace’ and was honoured with a silver medal from the Faculty for his contribution which is a customary token of appreciation for all Smiley presenters.

Neil said “I feel immensely privileged to have been made a Fellow of the RCPI; I am particularly grateful to Professor Ken Addley, OBE, who read out a humbling citation for me prior to the President of the RCPI, Dr Diarmuid O'Shea, awarding me the Fellowship. I have been so lucky to be supported by family and fabulous academic colleagues over the years and of course the wonderful team I work with at March on Stress”.

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Keywords : Straw (Sustaining Resilience at Work), Psychological Wellness, TRiM training, PTSD Recruitment Checks

Description : March on Stress provide psychological counselling, ability to understand PTSD, and Trauma Management (TRiM)