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March on Stress News

The New Railway Mental Health Charter

Added on the 14th May 2024

An updated version of the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) Railway Mental Charter has been launched – and new members are welcome to join!

The Railway Mental Health Charter (RMHC) is a framework to help promote, manage, and support workforce mental wellbeing. It identifies five key actions that should be used as a framework to help organisations in the rail industry develop a mental health strategy.

March on Stress works closely with a number of rail companies, helping them to support their people through Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) and Sustaining Resilience at Work (StRaW®) as well as other mental health in the workplace training.

Business Development Director, Georgina Godden, said: “We were really pleased to sign the Charter back in 2023 and it is great to see the continued development of this initiative from the RSSB and its aims. We have worked with different rail companies for a number of years to help them support their people, particularly with evidence-based peer support programmes, and look forward to continuing this work.”

Find out more about the Railway Mental Health Charter, including how to become a member here.

Page Loaded Date/Time : 2024-10-18 06:04:22

Keywords : TRiM Advisory Service, TRiM training, TRiM Training, TRiM BTEC Course

Description : March on Stress have an eHealth Monitoring System that helps recognise the warning signs of PTSD, Stress and Trauma