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StRaW and related research


StRaW was developed by March on Stress Director, Professor Neil Greenberg, and colleagues, in 2014 and has since been implemented in a number of organisations.

It is based on the structure and process of the well-established Trauma Risk Management (TRiM) system – please click here to be redirected to a wealth of scientific evidence for TRiM.

StRaW was first developed based upon the solid evidence base for TRiM, and the first scientific study into StRaW was published in September 2019. This study found positive effects on Practitioners’ ability to support colleagues and maintain their own psychological well-being. Results also indicated that peer support programs in the workplace may improve employees’ well-being and relationships between employees.


An evaluation of REACTMH mental health training for healthcare supervisors (REACTMH is included in March on Stress StRaW training)


The Role of Peer Support in Managing Occupational Stress: A Qualitative Study of the Sustaining Resilience at Work Intervention


Workplace mental health training for managers and its effect on sick leave in employees: a cluster randomised controlled trial


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Keywords : TRiM Training, TRiM UK, TRiM Advisory Service, Psychological Support

Description : March on Stress provide courses for TRiM and PTSD prevention