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What Is TRiM ?


What is TRiM?

TRiM is a trauma-focused peer support system, the implementation of which has benefited many 'at risk' organisations – legally (by providing a duty of care); economically (by keeping people at work) and morally (by looking after personnel).

The TRiM model builds resilience by basing itself on keeping employees functioning after traumatic events by providing support and education to those who require it. Additionally, by training TRIM Practitioners at operational level throughout an organisation, TRiM aims to identify those who are not coping after potentially traumatising events and ensure they are signposted to professional sources of help. TRiM empowers organisations to discharge their duty of care while promoting a proactive and resilient stance to the effects of potentially traumatic events.

TRiM provides the processes and practices for organisations to ensure that they have "trained eyes and ears" throughout your organisation. Such individuals will have the skills to pick up, not only on traumatic stress, but on the occupational and work-related stress that can impair individual's ability to work effectively. Our staff have repeatedly found that providing expert advice and assistance for 'at risk' organisations is considered to be a real benefit for ensuring those working in safety critical roles have access to support when they need it.

TRiM originated within the UK military as an evidence based alternative to previously-used reactive single session models of post incident intervention such as Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. Single session debriefing has been subjected to scientific scrutiny and shown to not just lack effectiveness but also have the potential to do harm. Founder and Director of March on Stress, Professor Neil Greenberg was at the forefront of developing peer-led traumatic stress support packages within the UK military and has helped many organisations to adopt TRiM and provide evidence based support to their staff.



  • • TRiM is approved by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE)
  • • Course duration: TRiM Practitoners – 2 days. TRIM Managers – 2 days
  • • 100% of our course delegates would recommend March on Stress TRiM training to colleagues
  • • Contact us for pricing and booking


  • • March on Stress is the only TRiM training provider to offer BTEC qualifications with its courses
  • • We set the standard for TRiM training in the UK
  • • Our trainers and associates are highly experienced trauma experts
  • • All of our work is backed by the latest research


  • 'The training has given me a good understanding of what TRiM is, how to deliver an assessment and the option available post-TRiM assessment.'
  • 'Relevant and effective training'
  • 'Valuable insight into TRiM and what to do for my organisation.'

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Keywords : Breaking Bad News, PTSD Recruitment Checks, Psychological Wellness, TRiM Training course

Description : March on Stress can help your business understand the stress and trauma your people go through